Thursday, May 18, 2006

Cailey anne - 1yr cont.

Here is the last page with Cailey's 1 year photos. I'm trying to keep the pages with the proffessional pictures simple. I really liked how this page turned out. Even though it's simple and took me just a few minutes to put together. Those I like! Richard helped me scan in this one and fix it in photoshop. When I get a chance I will scan in the previous layouts so they will look much better!!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Little Angel

This picture was taken along with her one year photo. I've got one more page of 1yr shots to do. It's next and I should get it finished this week. This one only took me maybe 30 minutes. Once I finally got some more black cardstock I was able to do it. Again, I'm really going to have to scan my pages cause these photos do not show the details very well.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

First Birthday- June 4, 2004

This page completed just 3 weeks away from her 2nd b-day. Sad. The pictures of these pages aren't very good. I'd scan them, but do not want to take the time to stitch them together. Hopefully I'll get better at getting them on here cause they really don't do the page justice.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Round'n-Up the Cute Stuff - Halloween 2005

My pages are not done in chronological order as you can see. I work on whichever photos that I feel like. I still have a lot more pages to do before I will get to the skill level that I want to be at. There are tons of techniques that I want to try. But enjoy watching me grow, hopefully!

Cailey - 1 month old

This is the page that I did months after Cailey was born. This was the first and only page that I created until just a few days ago!! I know, I'm ashamed of myself for getting so far behind. I am going to get her Proffessional pictures scrapbooked before I tackle the thousands of digital photos that I have!! It's not the greatest page, but it's done isn't it! FYI- The pink Gingham on the edges is the cover of the album. Not a part of the page.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Me & Scrapbooking

I started scrapbooking maybe 7 or 8 years ago. My sister, Jennifer, went to one of those scrapbooking parties at someone's home and therefor introduced my mother and myself into the world of Scrapbooking. I've really only created 2 albums so far. My wedding album and one for 2001. I am a slow scrapper. I work on one layout for days. I have to leave it and come back to it with new inspirations. And I'm never happy with it! I want it to be perfect and my biggest problem is my thoughts are always "What if there's a new embellishment or paper out there that would make it look just right". So I'm always delaying on working on something just so I can look at new items. You could probably call me a scrapbook supply collector instead of a scrapbooker!! Richard & I have moved 3 times so I've never had a designated scrapbook area and I always hated getting it out and making a mess in the living room so I rarely scrapbooked. I would in just spurts.
So when I had Cailey my scrapbooking was at a standstill. I didn't have a place for all of my stuff since my craft room was turned into the nursery. I finally did 1 page of her 1 month proffessional pictures. I did that on my dining room table while at home during my lunch breaks when I still worked. And that was it!! Again, back to my problem of afraid of not having the perfect accents and wanting her baby album to be perfect!!! And also not wanting to pull out a big mess on top of the mess that's already there!
Well, jan/feb 2006 we decided to convert the garage (Not totally converted), into a craft studio & Playroom. We are still working on it, but the main stuff is there and all my supplies are organized and cailey has a tv/dvd and tons of toys out there to play with. I've really enjoyed having the space! It's the first time I've been able to have my stuff out and viewable and it makes everything so much easier. Cailey is getting where she will play by herself or watch a video without me right with her playing or her sitting on my lap while she watches tv. I'm just so excited that I'm able to really start back creating! I've really missed it. But I completed my first layout in over a year today (5-3-06) and so I started this blog for me to post my creations and also to give me an incentive boost to get layouts done so I can post them! As I know my other blog has made me take more pictures. I have a lot of catching up to do so hopefully I'll have a few layouts to post each week (if I'm lucky!).