Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sweet Grand Daughter '05

This one is a current page that I like and it's in a frame on the wall. These pictures are from April '05. I used my Cricut expression to cut our the red part of the title, flowers & the red swirls.

Christmas Eve 2007

I haven't done that many christmas pages, so I'm not that good at them!! And there's only a few things that I like about this one. The paper is cool. The Christmas word is wood and I painted it green and brushed it over with some brown paint ot give it a vintage look to match the paper.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Valentine's 2008

Valentine's 2008. The bottom portion of the page is a pocket to hold her class valentines. The doggy was a sucker cover that she received. I thought it made a cute embellishment.

The Circus

I've actually had pages done for awhile, but just haven't posted any. I've been very anxiously wanting to scrapbook A LOT! I've gotten to go to some good scrapbook stores while on vacation and itching to get a lot done. Also excited that I will be attending another Scrapbook retreat in November!! I am also going to be really starting up my Scrapbook Life group at church in the next month or so. So if interested in joining me let me know!
Anyway, here is the page from our circus adventure in January '08. I must admit, I've been sortof just putting stuff on a page without doing a lot of thinking about it. Been going on impulse, but it's getting pages completed and that's the good thing about it!!